Cerberus IFV - Pinup Corps - Across the Realms

Ideal proxy model for a Chimera from Astra Militarum / Imperial Guard 

Designed to be assembled a variety of ways (future releases will add a flame tank module for this kit and 165mm artillery module)

Weapon clips allow for the Turret, Lasgun array and Pintle weapons to be attached at different angles/locations. Rear hatch is also on a clip, however its recommended to glue it in place when you're happy with the angle to avoid potential damage from constant rotation.

Cerberus can also be assembled without the pintle gun if preferred as it clips onto the turret anywhere along the rim.

Pinup Corps is a set from Across the Realms featuring an army of Pinup style female characters set in a futuristic war setting.

Models from this set are designed with 28mm wargaming in mind and are ideal for use as alternative models for Warhammer 40k

Models may come in multiple pieces, assemble with super glue.

Models are made to order; most models are ready to ship within 2-3 working days, if painting is requested this will add about 3-5 working days per model.

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Starting at 59.99 NZD