The Holy Altar - Holy Order of Ash - EC3D Design

Models pictured in the concrete colour come in plastic (FDM) see FDM printing in the site menu for details.
Plastic (FDM) has a lower quality surface finish compared to resin, however its a cheaper material and is much more durable, so its ideal for scenery pieces.

Comes with:

4x Pillar
1x Archway
2x Closed Door
1x Decorated Wall Piece
1x Altar (made up of 5 pieces, 2x small stair, 1x large stair, 1x altar, 1x platform)

Plastic (FDM) do not have a premium paint option.

EC3D Design are 32mm Heroic Scale miniatures, see the 'Scale Guide' in the site menu for details.

Models are made to order; most models are ready to ship within 2-3 working days, if painting is requested this will add about 3-5 working days per model.

Choose a variant:

Starting at 59.99 NZD